The characters of The Lodge: Teresa Dinnen
Learn more about Teresa Dinnen, our dedicated Night Manager.
23 Jun 2022
Learn more about Teresa Dinnen, our dedicated Night Manager.
23 Jun 2022
What is your role at The Lodge at Ashford?
I am the Night Manager at The Lodge. I previously worked part-time at Ashford Castle before joining the team.
What was your first experience of the Lodge at Ashford?
I got lost on the first night of my role trying to find The Lodge from Ashford Castle - it's not far but I hadn't been there before visiting. I was blown away the next morning by the view of the lake, all I could see was the water. I still find the view incredible.
Tell me something about the Lodge people might not know.
So much has changed since I first started working here, I often refer to all the wonderful changes that have been made to the décor and surroundings. There have been changes to the offices downstairs. The Vault, which is now located for the Reservations team, was previously a big games room for guests with a pool table.
What makes the Lodge special?
The great work colleagues I have known for so many years, who are now great friends.
What does your typical day at the Lodge look like for you?
Every day/night is different really, you don't know what to expect until you walk through the door at the start of your shift. No night shifts are quite the same.
What is your favourite part of your role?
I have always been a people person, I love getting to talk to many different people and getting to know regular guests. The relationship I have with all departments makes my role important to me, they can come to me at any time to ask for advice or assistance and I will help out in any way that I can. My role has helped me develop my own skills, with increased opportunities.
What do you do to relax when you are not working?
Typically, I am not known to relax as I love to keep myself busy. I especially like spending time with my wonderful mother on my days off, which is very important to me. If I have a few evenings off work I will set one day aside for myself to catch up on a few soaps or programmes.
What three words would you use to describe The Lodge?
Connected, progressive, and inclusive!
What is the proudest achievement of your time at the Lodge?
To have the knowledge to be able to train new team members and tell them everything I know about our hotel is an achievement for me. I am very proud of my promotion to Night Manager as I am passionate about my role and responsibilities. I will always set new goals for myself and my intention is to continue to achieve something different.
Learn more about our fantastic team at The Lodge at Ashford Castle.
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